We humans are not nearly as wonderful as we think, and yet there is something special about us! We form a unique link between spirit and matter, and our self-awareness gives us great power, for good or ill. Some spirits think we are worth helping, and these will often take the form of familiars.
(photography by me ~ Angelthread33@yahoo.com)
In times gone by, witches were believed to have "familiars" - that is, an evil spirit that did the wicked will of the witch and was usually some sort of a link with Satan. That view is very twisted and ignorant. No self-respecting familiar would have anything to do with Satan, were he to exist; they have far better things to do.
A familiar is a guardian spirit that helps a person through life. This may take the form of an animal, or an animal may have a rapport with the spirit and behave accordingly. Animals are a wonderful interface with the spirit world because they are creatures of instinct and do not judge or condemn. Such a spirit may also take up residence in an object, such as a crystal, a statue, or even a teddy bear.
The term "familiar" derives from the Latin famulus, which means servant. These spirits willingly give of their strength and knowledge to humans, connecting them to the psychic realm. They are found in many cultures, from Aborigines to Zulus and from Asians to Native Americans, as well as in Europe. Familiars have various name. A "co-walker" is a fairy double, which keeps a person company; and in Icelandic culture it is considered rude to shut a door too quickly behind a person, for fear of shutting out the co-walker or "fylgia."
(photography by me ~ Angelthread33@yahoo.com)
The familiar is generally a cozy and accessible sprite, and may act as the "genius" of the person, helping him or her to be creative, make inspired choices, and glimpse the future.
(photography by me ~ Angelthread33@yahoo.com)
If you have a sense of being protected, that somehow things fall into place around you or that strange coincidences shape your life, suspect the presence of a familiar. If you have a much loved and wise pet - there is your familiar!
(photography by me ~ Angelthread33@yahoo.com)
(photography by me ~ Angelthread33@yahoo.com)
(photography by me ~ Angelthread33@yahoo.com)
And if you would very much like one, light a candle beside a special crystal and ask for a familiar to enter it. Pledge a particular gift for animals or the environment, and the chances are that your request will be answered.
(photography by me ~ Angelthread33@yahoo.com)
(photography by me ~ Angelthread33@yahoo.com)