Monday, December 6, 2010

Meeting the Flower Fairies

Meeting the Flower Fairies
(photography by me ~
The flower fairies are among the easiest fairies to meet, and if you love flowers, you are sure to find a connection with these beings.  Every time you feel that thrill of delight or sensation of peace when you are tending growing things, you are coming under their influence.
Doing the garden is one obvious method.  Try to do this in a relaxed way, delighting in the feel of the earth and trying not to be too fixated on results.  The flower fairies will be close by, to help you.
(photography by me ~
Although the colors of cultivated flower may be dazzling, often the most potent sprites are to be found in wild flowers, for these carry the essence of the earth and the mystery of the countless seasons of growth and decay.
(photography by me ~
Focus on a specific plant and notice every detail:  the delicate shape of the flower, the variations in color, and texture.  How do you feel deep inside?
Your feelings are the flower fairy's way of communicating with you.
(photography by me ~
Listen to them whisper to you

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Fairy Trees

Many fairies are linked to just one tree or plant, or to a group of trees.  Trees are extremely special - a fact recognized by the Native Americans, who call them "The Standing People."  Often you will come upon a tree and be very aware of its spirit, which is usually warm, wise, and welcoming; it can be very healing to be close to such trees.  Occasionally, however, a tree may be not so well disposed towards humans (as the hobbits found in The Lord of the Rings with Old Man Willow), and then it is best to keep your distance.

In times gone by, the earth was covered in forest, and when we go deep into woodland, we really are in the presence of beings that are unutterable ancient, for all the accumulated wisdom of the ages is embodies in each tree.  The primeval forest is also a metaphor for our unconscious, our deepest and most primitive impulses and yearnings.  Tree fairies can teach us a great deal about ourselves, if we have the courage to listen.  When we are alone in Nature, we are able to hear our own thoughts and feelings more clearly, and it is easier to be truthful with ourselves.  

Long ago, many trees were considered to be home of oracles, with the deity whispering through the leaves.

Oak, ash, and thorn are termed the Fairy Triad, and where these three grow, fairies can easily be seen.  Many fairies are reputed to live in the majestic oak, and to fell one is to risk the wrath of the Old Gods - namely, fairies.

Druid worship took place in groves, and the oak grove was especially sacred.  Ash may be used to protect against fairies, when carried as a staff or wand, but also offers a potential gateway between the worlds, as it was the tree upon which the Norse god Odin hung, to gain the secret of the runes.
The twisted shape of hawthorn is magical indeed, especially when growing near a barrow mound or in groups of three.  It is courting disaster to damage such a tree, and even dozing beneath one may be to risk fairy displeasure.  

Like much of nature, trees have been abused.  Always proceed with respect for trees in order to retain the goodwill of the Fair Folk.
Cya soon

Monday, November 22, 2010

Protect Your Home

(photography by me ~

A Spell to protect your home is no substitute for locking your doors - so be sensible and act on the material plane, too... no matter how UNfun it may be
Here's the METHOD ~
You will need some salt in an earthenware pot, and some spring water in a jug.
1 ~ Sit for a moment with the pot of salt on your lap, cradled in your palms.  Ask the good house fairies to be present in whatever guise you prefer.  Say something like, "Please be with me, to help protect my home."  Imagine them drawing close.  If you like, you can trace a five-point star with your forefinger in the salt, for this is an old symbol of the Goddess.  Do the same over the spring water.  Then place some salt in the water.

2 ~ Now go round your home and sprinkle a little salt water on each doorway and window.  Say something along the lines of:  
Salt and water, pure and strong, 
Guard my home from any wrong.
3 ~ Imagine the house spirits coming with you, enhancing what you do with their magic.  Walk round the edge of your property also, sprinkling and sealing thoroughly.
4 ~ When you have finished, give thanks and empty the water on the ground.  Keep the salt you have blessed for special dishes, or to repeat the spell.
(photography by me ~

(photography by me ~

(photography by me ~

~ As Above So Below ~
~ Blessings ~

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


We humans are not nearly as wonderful as we think, and yet there is something special about us!  We form a unique link between spirit and matter, and our self-awareness gives us great power, for good or ill.  Some spirits think we are worth helping, and these will often take the form of familiars.
(photography by me ~
In times gone by, witches were believed to have "familiars" - that is, an evil spirit that did the wicked will of the witch and was usually some sort of a link with Satan.  That view is very twisted and ignorant.  No self-respecting familiar would have anything to do with Satan, were he to exist; they have far better things to do.
A familiar is a guardian spirit that helps a person through life.  This may take the form of an animal, or an animal may have a rapport with the spirit and behave accordingly.  Animals are a wonderful interface with the spirit world because they are creatures of instinct and do not judge or condemn.  Such a spirit may also take up residence in an object, such as a crystal, a statue, or even a teddy bear.
The term "familiar" derives from the Latin famulus, which means servant.  These spirits willingly give of their strength and knowledge to humans, connecting them to the psychic realm.  They are found in many cultures, from Aborigines to Zulus and from Asians to Native Americans, as well as in Europe.  Familiars have various name.  A "co-walker" is a fairy double, which keeps a person company; and in Icelandic culture it is considered rude to shut a door too quickly behind a person, for fear of shutting out the co-walker or "fylgia."
(photography by me ~
The familiar is generally a cozy and accessible sprite, and may act as the "genius" of the person, helping him or her to be creative, make inspired choices, and glimpse the future.
(photography by me ~
If you have a sense of being protected, that somehow things fall into place around you or that strange coincidences shape your life, suspect the presence of a familiar.  If you have a much loved and wise pet - there is your familiar! 
(photography by me ~
(photography by me ~
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And if you would very much like one, light a candle beside a special crystal and ask for a familiar to enter it.  Pledge a particular gift for animals or the environment, and the chances are that your request will be answered.
(photography by me ~
(photography by me ~

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Learning just to "BE"

(photography by me ~

When it feels right and you are able to be relaxed, go to a special place of your choice and just "be" there at first.  Don't try too hard; simply unwind.  Be very aware of your body, for often intuition speaks through bodily sensations that you may do your best to ignore.  Do you feel hot or chilled?  Is your tummy fluttering?  Are you limbs tingling or your palms itching?  Can you feel a breeze, a tickle, or a twitch?  Simply note anything that you feel, without making judgments.

Note also your emotions.  Do you feel contented, joyful, or expansive?  Or a little uneasy, as if you are being watched.  Or do you feel a mixture of these?  Again, use your imagination.  If fairies are here, what might they look like?

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(photography by me ~

Whatever pops into your mind is likely to be your intuition breaking through once more.  As you start to be aware of fairies, you will probably begin to notice movement out of the corner of your eye, only to see nothing when you turn.  Learn not to turn - remember, just "be."

(photography by me ~
(photography by me ~
(photography by me ~

Fairies may also show themselves through a whisper in the leaves, a movement in the grass, a ripple in the water, a breathless stillness in the air, and through strange losses of time.  They can also give you the giggles!  Sensing fairies is not about proving that they are there - it is about feeling uplifted, entranced and a little excited about life.  Feel these things and you may be sure the fairies have been close by.

(photography by me ~
(photography by me ~

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Special Fairy Realms

The spiritual realms have many levels, all of them inhabited by beings.  Some are close to this earth, such as Tir-nan-og; others are too rarefied for us to imagine; many others lie in between.  We may travel to such places as night, while sleeping, when we are in what occultists term our "astral body."  This is a subtle, spirit body that exists in the same space as our flesh-and-blood body, but during slumber it separates.  It remains connected to the body by a silver cord, but is able to travel far, far away from it, in this world or the Otherworld.  So we can visit the fairy realms in our dreams.

Many things that we learn about Fairyland, and about the activities of fairies, do not slot neatly together.  Partly this is because our view of existence as having to "fit together" is a product of our rationalism.  Fairies and Fairyland are notoriously irrational and inconsistent, and yet there are patterns with which we can become familiar, if we put our trust in our instincts and perceptions.

I love my imagination... view a small collage of my mind
Inspiration by Fairies



Use your imagination

(all photography and graphic design by me ~